Friday, May 4, 2007

h. nouwen

h. nouwen

we often go to the poor to give them what we have,
but we always stay because of what they give to us.

when we demand the second love
(anyone or anything else in this world besides Christ)
to give what only the First Love
(Jesus Christ)
can give...we crash.

our biggest challenge in life, as human beings, is to learn to trust God.

if i die...make sure you tell everyone that i was grateful.

if you have never read any of his stuff, you should.
my recommendations: the return of the prodigal son, with open hands, the genesee diary


SauceCity said...

Amen brother . . . Just Amen

shannon akers said...

or genessee diary.

yea? yea?

shannon akers said...

you cannot tell me to update if you have not updated.
